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Gmail 服务器不在中国

Google v. China 的争执中,各种各样有关 Google 服务器,包括邮件服务器 Gmail 受攻击、被入侵、有内鬼的传闻很多,引起我注意的一篇文章是 Douglas Rushkoff 的博客,其中他声称Google 把 Gmail 邮件服务器放在中国,造成易受攻击的状况:

Meanwhile, cybersecurity experts are suggesting that by locating the servers for Chinese Gmail accounts in China, in buildings over which they had little control, Google made the servers vulnerable to physical wiretaps by the Chinese secret service, who could have gained access to the cables leading into and out of the facility.


我对他的这一说法将信将疑,在今天的《华尔街日报》网站《中国实时报》上,看到这篇文章,澄清了许多误解和传闻,其中就有一条有关 Gmail 服务器的,文章说 Google 已经否认在中国有 Gmail 服务器:

This is not the case. Google says it has no email servers in the country. Indeed, Google has said keeping its servers out of China was a deliberate move to help protect user. information.

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  1. Dylen说道:



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