The King’s Speech 果然不出所料横扫了2011年BAFTA奖,获得7个主要奖项,包括最佳电影奖,连“杰出英国电影”这一可能会出一点意外结果的奖项都拿了下来,唯一的失手是没有拿到最佳导演奖,由 Social Network 的 David Fincher 获得。Natalie Portman 的最佳女主角也是预料之中的结果。
Colin Firth 的最佳男主角奖英国博彩公司 William Hill 在颁奖礼之前宣布他的最佳男主角是历史上最低的,进来投注的人100% 投了 Colin Firth。他的获奖致辞被《每日电讯报》做直播的记者称为“经典演出”,其中他把自己与导演 Tom Hooper 的第一次会面与去医院的一次例行检查联系到一起,在感谢的人中提到了他的父母和意大利妻子,制片人 Livia Giuggioli。

I like coming here. Thank you, BAFTA. Consistent with the fact that almost every turning point in my life has hinged on the banal and the arbitrary, such things as kitchen appliances and unsent emails, the day of my first meeting with Tom Hooper I had to postpone a routine but somewhat uncomfortable medical examination. I am happy to report that the meeting was rather less uncomfortable than the exam, but as time went on it became clear that Tom’s working methods were just as thorough and invasive as my doctors. But when you see the results you’re grateful, so I am thankful as I am to my doctor. I’d like to thank our masterly voice coach Neil Swain for indulging our dependence on him, and my very great friend Tom Ford who has everything to do with me standing here. Also, my majestic mum and dad and Livia who deals with everything from kings to dancing queens. Thank you very much.
如果你对红地毯上的明星们穿了什么牌子的衣服鞋子,《每日电讯报》网站制作了一个 Who wore what 画廊。