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3月, 2007:

Wedding Belles (2007)

Wedding Belles 是Channel4 拍的单本剧,编剧之一 Irvine Welsh 是 Transpotting 的作者之一,你可以想像这部片子的风格。地点又设在爱丁堡。这次是在爱丁堡城市东北部的 Leith,不过除了时不时出现的 Arthur’s Seat 之外,其实故事发生的地方没有太大影响--除了所有人的苏格兰东南部地区的口音之外。


Wedding Belles (2007)


Daily Quote: Courtship at Regent Park

Stephen Bates wrote in The Guardian:

The courtship is being conducted with all the formality of a Jane Austen novel. Effie is being introduced to the others one at a time and for strictly limited hour-long meetings each day to avoid unpleasantness on either side. Informally, the keepers call it speed-mating.

What is this all about? Obviously there is certain ‘Kate Moss of gorillas’ who is about to be introduced into the ‘Gorillas Kingdom’ in London Zoo.

How the Kate Moss of gorillas gave Ziggy the hump at London Zoo’s new enclosure

Brown’s budget buzzwords

《卫报》在财相布朗的07年度财政预算案演讲后,分析了布朗在他的11份预算案中的热门词汇。可以说对布朗十年的一个注脚。Brown’s budget buzzwords


Daily Quote: Andorra v. England

Daniel Taylor of The Guardian describes the difference between two teams that will meet this evening:

It was a classic shot of the differences between the two teams who will meet in Catalonia this evening – on one side, the millionaires with their diamond earrings and Louis Vuitton man-bags and, on the other, the assortment of part-timers, wannabes and never-will-bes with their modest tracksuits and the air of lost tourists.

And David Rodrigo, coach of Andorra, says:

We think of them as excellent football players but we will not be asking them for their autographs. And they might be famous but we do not consider them to be from another planet. We will do everythng we can that England won’t want us to do. We want to show them that a small nation can play football as well but we will also provoke as many problems for them as possible.

Andorra’s jacks of all trades get ready to enjoy spot of overtime

The Yellow House (2007)

The Yellow House (2007)

Channel 4 drama
主演: John Simm, John Lynch

The Yellow House (2007)



布莱尔大概是唯一有信心上电视演出的英国首相,对手还是Catherine Tate。有人说:反正当首相的日子快到头了,不如另谋出路。。。难得的是还得到交口称赞。

[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/4r3OCHoTipw" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

张曼玉电影讲座(下) (Maggie Cheung Masterclass, Cinema China 07)


1994 年,张曼玉停止拍摄电影。十年来她拍了超过70部电影电视,以香港电影工业疯狂的拍片进度,她一部接一部地赶戏,让她觉得自已“没有属于自己的人生”。她在拍动作片内时受过伤(应该是《警察故事2》),让她一直怕拍动作片,特别是香港电影不顾死活的吊钢丝特技。她特别提到让她最终因为“无法忍受”而停止拍片的是徐克的《青蛇》,整个拍摄期间阴雨不断,好不容易雨停了,徐克“又让我们(张曼玉王祖贤)泡水里拍戏”。最大的打击,还是在于导演的改戏,让她觉得自己在电影创作中完全是个局外人。《青蛇》改编自《白蛇传》,张曼玉一直以为在拍一部浪漫爱情戏。她认为徐克一开始也是这个想法,但后来可能对浪漫戏没有信心,最后还是回到自己擅长的动作喜剧了。拍片十年,有了些积蓄,却和家人朋友渐渐疏远,所以她决定暂时休息。



又说《小城之春》,我自己都觉得有点祥林嫂了,但这次说的是担心。在爱丁堡看《小城之春》,我心中其实是既兴奋又有点担心,担心的是拷贝的保护。上星期四见到 Cinema China 07 的组织者之一的 Mark Cousins,谈起他为这次电影节寻找拷贝的过程。他证实了我的担忧:《小城之春》只有一个拷贝。这个拷贝已经有了灰尘和划痕,而且还给打上了英文字幕。如果我们欣赏这部杰作的时候,同时毁了珍贵的拷贝,实在是件很讽刺的事。



Daily Quote: starfished

Nancy Banks-Smith of Guardian explains the plot of the new American TV series Kidnapped:

We meet them the morning a New York Times reporter arrives to do a feature on “Breakfast with the Cains”. She should have stuck around for elevenses because – what a scoop – Leopold is kidnapped on the way to school, and his bodyguard shot and left starfished on the road.

I like the expression ‘starfished’.

elevenses: pl.n. Chiefly British. Tea or coffee taken at midmorning and often accompanied by a snack.
scoop: Informal. An exclusive news story acquired by luck or initiative before a competitor.

Nancy Banks-Smith on last night’s TV:

张曼玉电影讲座(上) (Maggie Cheung Masterclass, Cinema China 07)

爱丁堡中国电影节 Cinema China 07 安排了一个叫做“张曼玉讲座”(Maggie Cheung Masterclass) 的节目。这次电影节由爱丁堡大学发起,大学有着很强的中国研究的基础,因此除了在选片上很见功力之外,整个活动的学术气氛也很浓。于是这个“张曼玉讲座”不是“影迷见面会”,而是能让参与者对张曼玉的电影经历有比较深入的了解。

客途秋恨 (1990)当然来的大部分还是张曼玉影迷,以至于在最后影迷提问时,会听到“我看过你的某某影片多少多少遍”、“我看着你长大”这样的话。主持人Mark Cousins 准备充分,包括剪好了多部张曼玉电影的片断,从花瓶时期的《警察故事》(1985)、到最早的“严肃作品”之一的《客途秋恨》(1990)、到国际成名的《阮玲玉》(1991)、以后的《新龙门客栈》(1992)、《甜蜜蜜》(1996)、转折时期的 Irma Vep (1996) 、再度大红大紫的《花样年华》(2000),以及最近的《英雄》(2002)。而张曼玉思路清晰、表情丰富、浑身散发着魅力,更重要的是能把多年从影,几度起伏之后,对电影和人生的感悟诚恳地表达出来。当然我还觉得她没有说令人生厌的卷舌头美国英语,也让观众中不少人增加更多好感吧。


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