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3月 15th, 2007:

张曼玉电影讲座(上) (Maggie Cheung Masterclass, Cinema China 07)

爱丁堡中国电影节 Cinema China 07 安排了一个叫做“张曼玉讲座”(Maggie Cheung Masterclass) 的节目。这次电影节由爱丁堡大学发起,大学有着很强的中国研究的基础,因此除了在选片上很见功力之外,整个活动的学术气氛也很浓。于是这个“张曼玉讲座”不是“影迷见面会”,而是能让参与者对张曼玉的电影经历有比较深入的了解。

客途秋恨 (1990)当然来的大部分还是张曼玉影迷,以至于在最后影迷提问时,会听到“我看过你的某某影片多少多少遍”、“我看着你长大”这样的话。主持人Mark Cousins 准备充分,包括剪好了多部张曼玉电影的片断,从花瓶时期的《警察故事》(1985)、到最早的“严肃作品”之一的《客途秋恨》(1990)、到国际成名的《阮玲玉》(1991)、以后的《新龙门客栈》(1992)、《甜蜜蜜》(1996)、转折时期的 Irma Vep (1996) 、再度大红大紫的《花样年华》(2000),以及最近的《英雄》(2002)。而张曼玉思路清晰、表情丰富、浑身散发着魅力,更重要的是能把多年从影,几度起伏之后,对电影和人生的感悟诚恳地表达出来。当然我还觉得她没有说令人生厌的卷舌头美国英语,也让观众中不少人增加更多好感吧。


Daily Quote: Jane Austen on marriage

Kathryn Hughes explains Jane Austen’s philosophy is more about pragmatism than romance.

Everyone in Austen’s world comes with a price tag that announces, in terms as clear as a livestock auction, just how much money is on offer and how much is expected in return. Thus a stonking great income of £5,000 a year is quite enough to wipe out body odour and the fact that no one in three counties can stand your screechy laugh. But with only a paltry £100 a year, you’d better have the kind of cleavage Andrew Davies dreams about.

Never mind the cleavage

Andrew Davies: writer of Sense and Sensibility (2007 TV series), Bridget Jones 2, Bridget Jones’s Diary

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