BAFTA TV Awards 是 BAFTA 专门为英国电视节目设立的奖项。今年的奖项,最受注目的是“最佳娱乐节目演出奖”授予了 Harry Hill。他的 Harry Hill’s TV Burp 是一个拿每周电视节目中的片段来开玩笑的节目。这个节目可以说反映了博客和Twitter时代的特点:没有自创内容,而是对其它节目的评论--在这里是打趣和恶搞;节目短小,在铺天盖地的节目中,观众无法一一消费,而是满足于别人对节目的简短评述,评论的娱乐性提供了节目的观赏性。
Channel 4 的 Skins 获得了观众奖。喜剧搭档 Jennifer Saunders 和 Dawn French 共同获得了相当与终身成就奖的 BAFTA Fellowship。两人搭档多年,节目中包括这段对BBC剧集 House of Eliott 的恶搞作品 House of Stupid。BBC 中负责电视剧项目的 Jane Tranter 还获得了一个特别奖,但是她现在已经离开这个职位,到好莱坞负责 BBC 的商业分支 BBC Worldwide 在美国的节目编制和制作。这将是今后 BBC 的一个重要商业收入来源。
BAFTA TV Awards 2009 获奖名单
最佳男演员 Best actor
Stephen Dillane – The Shooting of Thomas Hurndall (Channel 4)
Also nominated
Jason Isaacs – The Curse of Steptoe (BBC Four)
Ken Stott – Hancock and Joan (BBC Four)
Ben Whishaw – Criminal Justice (BBC One)
最佳女演员 Best actress
Anna Maxwell Martin – Poppy Shakespeare (Channel 4)
Also nominated:
June Brown – EastEnders (BBC One)
Maxine Peake – Hancock and Joan (BBC Four)
Andrea Riseborough – Margaret Thatcher: The Long Walk to Finchley (BBC Four)
最佳娱乐节目演出 Best entertainment performance
Harry Hill – Harry Hill’s TV Burp (ITV1)
Also nominated:
Stephen Fry – QI (BBC Two)
Anthony McPartlin & Declan Donnelly – I’m a Celebrity… Get Me Out of Here! (ITV1)
Jonathan Ross – Friday Night with Jonathan Ross (BBC One)
最佳喜剧节目演出 Best comedy performance
David Mitchell – Peep Show (Channel 4)
Also nominated:
Rob Brydon – Gavin and Stacey (BBC Three)
Sharon Horgan – Pulling (BBC Three)
Claire Skinner – Outnumbered (BBC One)
最佳单本电视剧 Best single drama
White Girl (BBC Two)
Also nominated:
Einstein and Eddington (BBC Two)
Hancock and Joan (BBC Four)
The Shooting of Thomas Hurndall (Channel 4)
最佳多集电视剧 Best drama serial
Criminal Justice (BBC One)
Also nominated:
Dead Set (Channel 4)
The Devil’s Whore (Channel 4)
House of Saddam (BBC Two)
最佳电视系列剧 Best drama series
Wallander (BBC One)
Also nominated:
Doctor Who (BBC One)
Shameless (Channel 4)
Spooks (BBC One)
最佳电视连续剧 Best continuing drama
The Bill (ITV1)
Also nominated:
Casualty (BBC One)
EastEnders (BBC One)
Emmerdale (ITV1)
最佳纪实节目系列 Best factual series
Amazon with Bruce Parry (BBC Two)
Also nominated:
Blood Sweat and T-Shirts (BBC Three)
The Family (Channel 4)
Ross Kemp in Afghanistan (Sky One)
最佳娱乐节目 Best entertainment programme
The X Factor (ITV1)
Also nominated:
The Friday/Sunday Night Project (Channel 4)
Harry Hill’s TV Burp (ITV1)
QI (BBC One)
最佳情景喜剧 Best situation comedy
The IT Crowd (Channel 4)
Also nominated:
The Inbetweeners (Channel 4)
Outnumbered (BBC One)
Peep Show (Channel 4)
最佳喜剧节目 Best comedy programme
Harry and Paul (BBC One)
Also nominated:
The Peter Serafinowicz Show (BBC Two)
Star Stories (Channel 4)
That Mitchell and Webb Look (BBC Two)
最佳单本纪录片 Best single documentary
Chosen (Channel 4)
Also nominated:
A Boy Called Alex (Channel 4)
The Fallen (BBC Two)
Thriller in Manila (More 4)
最佳专题节目 Best feature
The Choir: Boys Don’t Sing (BBC Two)
Also nominated:
The Apprentice (BBC One)
Celebrity MasterChef (BBC One)
Top Gear (BBC Two)
最佳国际电视节目 Best international show
Mad Men (BBC Four)
Also nominated:
The Daily Show with Jon Stewart (More 4)
Dexter (ITV1)
The Wire (FX)
最佳专业纪实节目 Best specialist factual
Life in Cold Blood (BBC One)
Also nominated:
Blood and Guts: A History of Surgery (BBC Four)
Lost Land of the Jaguar (BBC One)
Stephen Fry and the Gutenberg Press: The Machine That Made Us (BBC Four)
最佳时事节目 Best current affairs
Saving Africa’s Witch Children – Dispatches (Channel 4)
Also nominated:
Mum Loves Drugs, Not Me – Dispatches (Channel 4)
Omagh: What the Police Were Never Told – Panorama (BBC One)
Ross Kemp: A Kenya Special (Sky One)
最佳新闻报道 Best news coverage
News at Ten – Chinese Earthquake (ITV1)
Also nominated:
Channel 4 News (Channel 4)
Sky News – Canoe Man (Sky News)
Sky News – Mumbai (Sky News)
最佳体育转播 Best sport
ITV1 F1: Brazilian Grand Prix (ITV1)
Also nominated:
Cheltenham Gold Cup – Denman v Kauto Star (Channel 4)
Olympics 2008 (BBC One)
Wimbledon – The Men’s Final (BBC One)
最佳互动节目 Best interactivity
Embarrassing Bodies Online (Channel 4)
Also nominated:
Bryony Makes a Zombie Movie (BBC Three)
Merlin (BBC One)
Olympics 2008 (BBC One)
观众奖 Audience award
Also nominated:
The Apprentice
Coronation Street
The X Factor
特别奖 Special Award
Jane Tranter
终身成就奖 Bafta Fellowship
French and Saunders
请教一下Drama Serial, drama series 和 continuing drama的区别,谢谢。
BAFTA TV Awards red carpet:
drama serial 就是多集电视剧,这是英国的叫法,美国叫 mini-series。英国的许多名著改编的电视剧都是 drama serial。现在正在上映的电影 State of Play 就是根据BBC拍摄的6集 drama serial 改编的。
drama series 和 continuing drama 都是多季多集的电视剧,不同的是,drama series 基本上是每集独立成篇,一集讲完一个故事,比如 Life on Mars 和 Spooks;而 continuing drama 的故事情节一般在许多集中持续发展,continuing drama 的另一个特点是拍摄的量很大,比如BBC的 East Enders 和 ITV 的 Coronation Street 和 Emmedale ,澳大利亚的 Neighbours 和 Home and Away 等。在美剧中,似乎都叫 drama series,这可能和英美电视剧制作的体制不同有关。