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《独立报》的书评版编辑Boyd Tonkin采访了新书 A Concise Chinese-English Dictionary for Lovers (《简明中英情人字典》)的作者郭小橹。郭小橹来自中国,是背景电影学院的讲师,同时出版小说和电影理论书籍。2002年来英国,继续拍电影和写书。她的新片《今天的鱼怎们样?》现在正在美国 Sundance Film Festival 上映。


Guo Xiaolu Interview

Xiaolu Guo: Far East to East End
这是郭小橹在英国出版的第二本书。第一本是从她的中文小说翻译过来的 Village of Stone。这本书是她第一本用英语写作的书。

A Concise Chinese-English Dictionary for Lovers

A Concise Chinese-English Dictionary for Lovers


  1. leaving说道:


  2. newlight说道:


  3. newlight说道:


  4. newlight说道:

    A Concise Chinese-English Dictionary for Lovers 入选 Orange Broadband prize longlist。这是一个专为女性作者设立的奖项,任何英语小说都可以参选。20 部候选小说中,有 6 部是第一部作品。今年这个奖项还打破文学评论界多年来不成文的传统,选入了已经在其他文学奖中获奖的小说。结果将在4月17日宣布,奖金3万英镑。

    The longlist in full
    Half of a Yellow Sun by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie (Fourth Estate)
    Poppy Shakespeare by Clare Allan (Bloomsbury)
    Arlington Park by Rachel Cusk (Faber)
    The Inheritance of Loss by Kiran Desai (Hamish Hamilton)
    Peripheral Vision by Patricia Ferguson (Solidus)
    Over by Margaret Forster (Chatto & Windus)
    The Dissident by Nell Freudenberger (Picador)
    When to Walk by Rebecca Gowers (Canongate)
    A Concise Chinese-English Dictionary for Lovers by Xiaolu Guo (Chatto & Windus)
    The Observations by Jane Harris (Faber)
    Carry Me Down by MJ Hyland (Canongate)
    The Girls by Lori Lansens (Virago)
    Alligator by Lisa Moore (Virago)
    What Was Lost by Catherine O’Flynn (Tindal Street Press)
    The Tenderness of Wolves by Stef Penney (Quercus)
    Careless by Deborah Robertson (Sceptre)
    Afterwards by Rachel Seiffert (Heinemann)
    Ten Days in the Hills by Jane Smiley (Faber)
    Digging to America by Anne Tyler (Chatto & Windus)
    The Housekeeper by Melanie Wallace (Harvill Secker)


  5. 安替说道:





    例如说到到Heathrow机场,看到了出关的时候,按照外国人和本国人分开出关,外国人是用的Alien(其实现在不是了),主人公立刻想到了好莱坞电影《Alien》(《异形》系列)。但是主人公用的英文是这样:I not understanding what people say to me at all.

    说句实话,无论哪个中国人学英文,如果能知道《异形》名字是Alien,并且在Heathrow机场和“外国人”这个意思做这样的对比,就绝对不可能说出I not understanding…(大概是想模仿“我-不-理解”)这样的莫名其妙的语法错误。



  6. newlight说道:

    《简明中英情人字典》入选Orange Broadband Prize 复选名单(shortlist)

    我在BBC Five Live的Simon Mayo节目上听过对她的采访和两位嘉宾对这部书的评论,评价都不错。


  7. newlight说道:

    From the Guardian:

    Nigerian-born Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, 29, took the Orange Broadband Prize for fiction for her domestic epic of the Biafra war, Half of a Yellow Sun.

    Half of a Yellow Sun – Adichie’s second novel – is her homage to “the tiny debris of passionate courage”, her fellow Nigerian writer Chinua Achebe’s phrase for the Biafran victims of the 1967-1970 Nigerian civil war. Born seven years after it ended, she lost both her grandfathers among the many thousands of civilian dead. Achebe himself has joined a chorus of praise for the novel, calling Adichie ” a new writer endowed with the gift of ancient storytellers”.

    The story follows five people through the deluded hopes and terrors of Biafra, and is focused around three principal characters: an educated young woman, her houseboy, and her sister’s English lover.

    Adichie’s father was Nigeria’s first professor of statistics and her mother the country’s first female registrar. Her first novel Purple Hibiscus was recognised as showing exceptional promise.

    It was shortlisted for the Orange in 2004 and won the Commonwealth writers’ best first book award.

  8. […] in China)栏目,请来了几本新书的作者,包括郭小橹(《简明中英情人字典》)、Xinran (Miss Chopsticks)、Rob Gifford (China Road)、Duncan Hewitt (Getting Rich First: Life in […]

  9. 路过说道:

    同意安替的说:造作,不光是语言还有细节。。也许是太刻意的强调cultural difference..不过,因为是中国,女,作者写的在 伦敦 的故事,我还楞给看完了。。英文报纸的评论没看,不太感兴趣他们怎么评价,因为知道英国人的看点会不一样,那些cultural difference他们会感兴趣,其实也是一种对中国的刻板印象(可能这是我不喜欢这本书的原因,个人认为上了shortlist只是英国人的选择,不代表它是好作品)。。另外,bbc radio 4上有播过节选。。不管怎样,为中国人在这里弄出一点动静高兴。

  10. Joanna说道:



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