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2月 28th, 2007:

Daily Quote: Giles Coren compares Rocky and Belle de jour

The Times’s restaurant critics Giles Coren:

But English film critics are not red-blooded. And that is why most of them didn’t get Rocky Balboa. They kvetched about believability, sneered at sentimentality and mocked Stallone’s muscular, monosyllabic conception of masculinity. This is because English critics are a snide, whey-faced, nerdy bunch, who at the age when I was grinding out press-ups to Eye of the Tiger, were getting hard-ons for Belle de Jour and pinning another Morrissey poster to the wall.

American critics are not like that. It’s why they have Updike, Roth, Clint Eastwood, Joe DiMaggio and Champion the Wonder Horse while we have Philip Pullman, J. K. Rowling, Hugh Grant, Mark Ramprakash and Muffin the Mule.

And he is supposed to review a restaurant. Who are Morrissey, Updike, Roth, Philip Pullman, and Mark Ramprakash anyway?

kvetch: To complain persistently and whiningly

snide: Derogatory in a malicious, superior way

whey: The watery part of milk that separates from the curds

whey-faced: with a pale face

RSS 的乱码问题

我发现桃花坞在Technorati RSS 上的简介变成了乱码,以前还是好好的。


如果使用IE7的RSS Viewer ,则会出现“Internet Explorer was unable to update this feed and will try again later.”的错误信息。不知道是什么原因。

rss problem

Sight & Sound 对 Cinema China 07 的报道

Sight & Sound 在07年第3期上对爱丁堡的 Cinema China 07 做了报道。虽然《满城尽带黄金甲》并不是电影节的重点,但显然编辑还是觉得巩俐的大头有吸引力啊。

Sight & Sound on Cinema China 07

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