Stuart Delves & Jamie Jauncey
两位作者参与编辑和写作的这本书Established: Lessons from the World’s Oldest Companies是有关那些历史悠久的公司的故事,这些公司(主要都在英国)有大有小,有的几百年来一直在做同一件事情,有的需要更新以求生存。
Stuart Delves & Jamie Jauncey: The value of a brand is in the culture, the stories associated with the brand. Human beings are hard wired to listen to stories. #edbookfest
Impressed by Established unpretentious ‘Tips’. I like #4 the most (my paraphrase): be clear of why you do what you do and communicate that purpose. Not just because there is a ‘communicate’ in it. #edbookfest