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5月 16th, 2007:


上个星期四布莱尔宣布退休时,特意选择了他自己的选区英格兰东北德勒姆郡(County Durham)的Sedgefield里当年他宣布参选工党领袖的一家工党俱乐部,从伦敦来到Sedgefield,刚一下车,满面灿烂笑容的布莱尔夫妇就被当地的工党支持者们包围,握手、拥抱、亲吻、笑容、眼泪,其景象竟然与1997年5月2日布莱尔夫妇第一次以首相身份来到唐宁街十号,置身于大批支持者欢乐的海洋中的情景十分相似。于是各家电视台做布莱尔十年的片段剪辑的时候,无一例外地采用的以上两段新闻片段,首尾呼应,“十年过后,我仍然被爱戴”,布莱尔再次展示如何精准地发送信息。

除了新闻和记录片外,电视台最爱用的是两部影片,一个是电影 Love, Actually,一个是 Red Nose Day – Catherine Tate and Tony Blair。前者反映的是英国公众对首相的理想想像;后者是布莱尔亲自上阵,他大概没想到公众会认为他真的不再bovvered。


Daily Quote: Lady with the flag

Guardian’s Simon Hoggart described the crowd who support woman MP Harriet Harman’s contest to be Gordon Brown’s deputy.

She had backing from 61 MPs. Of these, 31 are women. They, with a handful of men, marched into a committee room at the Commons like Japanese tourists who has lost the lady with the flag. They knew it was important, but they weren’t quite clear why they were there.

Joke in expense of Harriet Harman’s gender…or the ladies who support her perhaps?

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