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6月 28th, 2007:

Daily Quote: kissed hands?


Wednesday, 27th June 2007

BUCKINGHAM PALACE: Mr. Justice Griffith Williams was received by The Queen this morning upon his appointment as a Justice of the High Court when Her Majesty conferred upon him the honour of Knighthood and invested him with the Insignia of a Knight Bachelor.

Mr. Richard Stagg was received in audience by The Queen upon his appointment as British High Commissioner to the Republic of India.

Mrs. Stagg was also received by Her Majesty.

The Rt. Hon Tony Blair MP had an audience of The Queen this afternoon and tendered his resignation as Prime Minister and First Lord of the Treasury which Her Majesty was graciously pleased to accept.

Mrs. Blair was also received by The Queen.

Her Majesty received in audience the Rt. Hon Gordon Brown MP and requested him to form a new Administration. The Rt. Hon Gordon Brown MP accepted The Queen’s offer and kissed hands upon his appointment as Prime Minister and First Lord of the Treasury.

Mrs. Brown was also received by Her Majesty.

看过 The Queen (2006) 都知道皇室礼仪(protocol)的重要性,还有一个谜团,到底有没有 kissed hands 呢?

Rt. Hon: Right honourable
MP: Member of Paliarment

BBC 下月正式启用 iPlayer

【英华新闻】BBC 昨天宣布将在7月27日正式启用其免费节目下载回放服务 iPlayer 。用户在下载安装 iPlayer 程序之后,可以下载过去7天内几乎所有 BBC 节目,下载后节目将在硬盘上保留30天,30天后节目将会自动删除。BBC 将先提供在 PC 上运行的 iPlayer,接着会提供 Mac 版本。英国其它的几家电视台,Channel 4 和 ITV 已经启用了各自的节目免费下载回放服务。

BBC: http://www.bbc.co.uk
Channel4 的 4oD: http://www.channel4.com/4od/
ITV: http://www.itv.com

BBC iPlayerBBC 的 iPlayer 设想其实 3 年前就有了,当时是比较领先的想法。但 3 年来问题不断,主要问题不是技术,而是是管理、战略和政治上的。这 3 年中 BBC 经历决定今后十年命运的 Charter Review。同时另一个很受欢迎的网络项目 BBC Jam (提供针对中小学的网上教学) 在管理机构的压力下被腰斩。今年年初又被管理机构 Ofcom 要求把节目下载后可存贮的时间由13周缩减为30天。BBC 用的是英国纳税人,其制作的节目,理应让英国公众免费重复使用,但商业集团一直游说管理机构指 BBC 抢了他们的饭碗,于是又出来一个“公众服务价值测试”(public value test),来来去去 iPlayer 的想法已经不再新鲜,Channel 4 今年推出了 4oD,允许回放 7 天内的大部份节目,其它节目可以付费回放,ITV 改版了网站,把许多节目放到了新网站上。更不用说 YouTube 的兴起,现在 BBC 都在 YouTube 上开自己频道。BBC 本来有能力在新媒体传播上领先,现在却是扮演追赶别人的角色。

BBC 的 iPlayer 将和 4oD 类似,用户必须下载安装一个软件,以这个软件为界面,浏览下载 BBC 节目。

Daily Quote: No, not?


Simon Hoggart on the Guardian:

Someone asked if he had any advice for his successor. “No”, he snapped. “He is perfectly capable of doing the job on his own.” The word “Not!” hovered unspoken in the air.

Andrew Gimson on the Daily Telegraph:

“Do you have any advice for your successor?” another correspondent ventured, to which Mr Blair replied with a brevity almost worthy of Clement Attlee: “No. He’s perfectly capable of doing the job on his own, thank you.”

Some of us took this to mean that Mr Blair will leave Gordon Brown to make a terrible mess of being Prime Minister and will then have a jolly good laugh at his expense.

After the Wedding (2006)

After the Wedding (2006)
Efter brylluppet (2006)
导演:Susanne Bier
主演:Mads Mikkelsen (Jacob), Rolf Lassgard (Jørgen),
Sidse Babett Knudsen (Helene), Stine Fischer Christensen (Anna)

After the Wedding (2006)

我对北欧电影一直印象不错,但是象 After the Wedding 这样,对导演演员完全没有了解的电影,还是需要一点外加的因素吸引我去看。这部电影在英国几乎看不到任何宣传,如果不是它得到了奥斯卡奖最佳外语片的提名(得奖的是 The Life of Others),恐怕就错过了。

结果是我很喜欢这部电影。故事说的是单身的男主角Jacob在印度为慈善机构工作,照顾孤儿。一个富翁 Jorgen 声称愿意给慈善机构捐助大笔金钱,条件是Jacob 必须回到哥本哈根面谈。从印度的贫民窟回到摩登光鲜的城市的他,只想尽快回印度。让他困惑的是,Jorgen 看上去对他的慈善工作并不感兴趣。周末 Jorgen 邀请他参加自己女儿 Anna 的婚礼。在婚礼上,Jacob 遇到 Anna 的母亲 Helene,发现事情不是他想像的那么简单。


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