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Karen Woo 家人的声明

2010-08-08. Observer

在阿富汗被塔利班枪杀的英国女医生 Karen Woo 的家人今天中午发表了一份声明,其中第一次提到了她的全名是 Karen Su Ying (Cori) Woo,可能的写法是吴素英,但相信作为一个在英国出生长大的孩子她还是最习惯于别人叫她Karen。声明中除了向她这个“女儿和姐妹”致敬外,还特别强调Karen Woo是一个“人道主义者”(humanist),即不依昄任何宗教,而是相信伦理、道德与公平正义的人士。

Karen Woo 家人声明全文翻译:

我们挚爱的女儿和姐妹 Karen Su Ying (Cori) Woo 离我们而去了。她原计划在回到英国之后就举行婚礼的。








Dr Karen Woo family statement

The family of Dr Karen Woo, who was killed along with nine of her colleagues in Afghanistan, issued the following statement:

Our loving and talented daughter/sister Karen Su Ying (Cori) Woo has been tragically taken from us. She was due to be married on her return to the UK.

Her motivation was purely humanitarian. She was a Humanist and had no religious or political agenda.

She wanted the world to know there was more than a war going on in Afghanistan, that people were not getting their basic needs met. She wanted the ordinary people of Afghanistan, especially the women and children, to be be able to receive healthcare.

She undertook this trek as a medical doctor, accompanying medical supplies and to provide treatment to people who lived in an extremely remote region who had little to no healthcare available.

Her commitment was to make whatever difference she could. She was a true hero, whilst scared she never let that prevent her from doing things she had to do.

She would not want this tragedy to overshadow the ongoing plight of those still in the greatest of need.

Karen you were an inspiration to everyone you met. You combined brains and beauty, intelligence, drive and kookiness in equal measure. You led an intensely packed and rich life: dancer, model, stunt plane walker, doctor and aid worker. Whatever you set your mind on you did so with passion.

You were the embodiment of seizing the moment. You went through life always believing the best of everyone despite everything you’ve seen.

We are so proud of the work you were doing and all that you have achieved.

You made a difference in people’s lives and for that you will not be forgotten. You will be sorely missed by us, your family and friends, here in the UK, around the world and in Afghanistan.

I hope that the legacy you leave is to inspire others to give love and aid rather than perpetuate hate and violence.


  1. phoenix说道:


  2. Mark Woo说道:

    Karen – Woo (Wu) family of Chinese never forgets you, you are a true a heroin


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