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Established: Lessons from the World’s Oldest Companies

Established: Lessons from the World’s Oldest Companies

Stuart Delves & Jamie Jauncey

两位作者参与编辑和写作的这本书Established: Lessons from the World’s Oldest Companies是有关那些历史悠久的公司的故事,这些公司(主要都在英国)有大有小,有的几百年来一直在做同一件事情,有的需要更新以求生存。

Stuart Delves & Jamie Jauncey: The value of a brand is in the culture, the stories associated with the brand. Human beings are hard wired to listen to stories. #edbookfest
Impressed by Established unpretentious ‘Tips’. I like #4 the most (my paraphrase): be clear of why you do what you do and communicate that purpose. Not just because there is a ‘communicate’ in it. #edbookfest

Radical Hel: How we can remake the relationships between us and revolutionise the welfare state

Radical Hel: How we can remake the relationships between us and revolutionise the welfare state

Hilary Cottam

作者在新书Radical Hel: How we can remake the relationships between us and revolutionise the welfare state 中呼吁全民开展对福利社会的讨论,认为对现有福利体系修修补补已经无济于事,必须进行较大的改变,但是在改变之前需要全民对此有共识。她推崇从设计角度改革福利制度,并有很多实践。

Hilary Cottam’s talk was very engaging. I imagine her book Radical Help is as such. #EdBookFest

The Butcher’s Daughter

The Butcher’s Daughter

Mad Blood Stirring

Mad Blood Stirring

Victoria Glendinning & Simon Mayo
Victoria Glendinning 的小说 The Butcher’s Daughter讲述的是都铎时期一个被逐出家门的的修女的故事。
Simon Mayo的小说 Mad Blood Stirring故事发生在1815年,一批被关押在英格兰西南监狱的美军黑人战俘上演了一处莎士比亚的《罗密欧与朱丽叶》。
Simon Mayo: Writer’s ability to ‘stumble upon’ on a good story is like a trained muscle. #edbookfest

Fault Lines

Fault Lines

In the Cage Where Your Saviours Hide

In the Cage Where Your Saviours Hide

Doug Johnstone & Malcolm Mackay

Doug Johnstone的“另类现实”小说Fault Lines故事发生在爱丁堡,25年前在不远处的海面上忽然出现了一座火山岛,之后这里地震频繁,小说一开始,25岁的地质学家女主角在岛上发现了她的上司和情人的尸体。

Malcolm Mackay的犯罪小说In the Cage Where Your Saviours Hide也是“另类现实”题材,在其中苏格兰一直是一个独立的王国,从未与英格兰合并。

Malcolm Mackay: “I write my first draft using pen and paper.” Audience gasped. Doug Johnstone: “Are you Charles Dickens?” #edbookfest

Living with Leonardo: Fifty Years of Sanity and Insanity in the Art World and Beyond

Living with Leonardo: Fifty Years of Sanity and Insanity in the Art World and Beyond

Martin Kemp

Martin Kemp是研究达芬奇的专家,牛津大学荣休教授。他的新作Living with Leonardo: Fifty Years of Sanity and Insanity in the Art World and Beyond讲述的围绕达芬奇的整个一套产业:博物馆、拍卖行、私人收藏家、古董商人、鉴别者、造假者等等人物。

The star of prof Martin Kemp’s talk this morning @edbookfest is surely his Mona Lisa socks. #EdBookFest
Martin Kemp: Medieval noble women were normally painted in profile. So the eye contacting, smiling Mona Lisa was daring. Very naughty. #EdBookFest

New Scots: Scotland'S Immigrant Communities Since 1945

New Scots: Scotland’S Immigrant Communities Since 1945

Tom Devine

Tom Devine是苏格兰著名历史学家,他编辑的New Scots: Scotland’S Immigrant Communities Since 1945 (Studies in Scottish and Irish Migration)是对苏格兰向内移民社区的研究合集。生活在苏格兰的最大移民群体是谁呢?英格兰人,2011年人口普查发现有近50万第一代英格兰移民生活在苏格兰。所以本书用两个黑人站在苏格兰某个城市中心的照片作封面其实是不恰当的。

Sir Tom Devine: Football (referring to ABE) is a surrogate of getting one over on your big neighbour without going to total war! #edbookfest

Notes on a Foreign Country: An American Abroad in a Post-American World

Notes on a Foreign Country: An American Abroad in a Post-American World

Our Woman in Havana: Reporting Castro’s Cuba

Our Woman in Havana: Reporting Castro’s Cuba

Suzy Hansen & Sarah Rainsford

Suzy Hansen是一位生活在土耳其多年的美国记者,Sarah Rainsford是一位曾驻古巴多年的BBC记者,两人的作品Notes on a Foreign Country: An American Abroad in a Post-American World和Our Woman in Havana: Reporting Castro’s Cuba分别描述了对着两个国家的观察感受。

A Lab of One’s Own: Science and Suffrage in the First World War

A Lab of One’s Own: Science and Suffrage in the First World War

Patricia Fara

Patricia Fara是剑桥大学科学历史教授。她的A Lab of One’s Own: Science and Suffrage in the First World War回顾了一段被人遗忘的历史:在第一次世界大战期间,在女性还很难上大学,尚未获得投票权时,就有许多女性作为科学家、工程师和医生进行工作。

Fascinating talk by Patracia Fara about the hidden history of women as scientists, engineers and doctors during WWI. #edbookfest
Wondering how Scottish universities did in opening doors for women during WWI. #EdBookFest

Wild Fire

Wild Fire

Ann Cleeves & Douglas Henshall

Ann Cleeves的Shetland系列是畅销犯罪小说,当BBC要将她的小说改编成电视系列剧时,她唯一的要求是必须在是设德兰群岛实地拍摄。男主角Jimmy Perez探长的饰演者是苏格兰演员Douglas Henshall,电视剧播出后很受欢迎,很有可能会继续拍下去,但是小说系列已经出到最后一本Wild Fire了。

The readers/viewers like Jimmy Perez to be ‘lonely and miserable’ so the end of him has to be either happiness or death. Enjoyed the talk by @AnnCleeves and @djhenshall tonight at #edbookfest

The Almighty Dollar: Follow the Incredible Journey of Single Dollar to See How the Global Economy Really Works

The Almighty Dollar: Follow the Incredible Journey of Single Dollar to See How the Global Economy Really Works

Moneyland: Why Thieves And Crooks Now Rule The World And How To Take It Back

Moneyland: Why Thieves And Crooks Now Rule The World And How To Take It Back

Oliver Bullough & Dharshini David

Oliver Bullough是一位调查记者,他在Moneyland: Why Thieves And Crooks Now Rule The World And How To Take It Back中调查约占全球总财富10%的金钱消失到哪里去了,其中许多合法的转移藏匿钱财的活动是在伦敦金融区进行的。

Dharshini David是一位记者和经济学家,现任Sky News商务记者。她的The Almighty Dollar: Follow the Incredible Journey of Single Dollar to See How the Global Economy Really Works是以美元为线索讲述全球贸易的相互依存性。

Immensely enjoyable talks by @OliverBullough and @DharshiniDavid at #edbookfest. Both informative and entertaining.
Where are the main sources of the dark money? Oliver Bullough: We don’t know, but the people who bought passports are 1/3 Russians, 1/3 Chinese, 1/3 from Middle east. #edbookfest

The Road to Unfreedom: Russia, Europe, America

The Road to Unfreedom: Russia, Europe, America

Timothy Snyder

Timothy Snyder是美国耶鲁大学历史教授,他近年来的作品从历史角度关注当今在美国、欧洲和俄罗斯发生的种种政治现象。他对川普、普京、欧盟与英国脱欧都有深入独到的见解。他的新作是The Road to Unfreedom: Russia, Europe, America。


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